How Can Parent/Careers Help
As with all sporting clubs and groups Sunshine Beach Surf Lifesaving Club relies heavily on volunteer help from club members. Without our parents/carers helping throughout the season we cannot run our junior activities programs in a safe and enjoyable manner for the kids. There are many ways you can help out from assisting with activites on Sundays, officiating at carnivals, helping with BBQs and other fundraisers through to becoming a lifesaver on patrol. Everyone is welcome so please do not hesitate to join in.
Below are a list of ways you can help:
Help at our BBQ/Canteen
Assist with club fundraisers
Gear and Equipment maintenance
Join our Trainer and Assessor team. Ask us about gaining your trainer qualifications
Officiate at carnivals. For information on Level 1 Officials Courses please contact
Lifesaving admin
Provide coaching or assist with training. Ask us about gaining your Surf Coach qualification
Assist with Water Safety at the club. Minimum of a Surf Rescue Certificate is required
Be an Age Manager or assistant
Gain your Bronze Medallion so you can be a lifesaver on Patrol at Sunshine Beach
Complete other Surf Lifesaving Awards (eg: first aid, advanced resusitation) and Patrol
Become a member of the Junior Activities Committee
Join our Board of Directors and get involved in club management
Please download our
how you can help form and return it to the
Lifesaving Administration