Training & Education
Become a Lifesaver
Training to become a lifesaver will challenge your way of thinking about the aquatic environment and provide you with the skills and knowledge you will need to help keep our beaches safe. You’ll meet others who share the same ideals and become a part of our dynamic club that believes in working and playing as a team.
Join the Club
Once you have gained your Bronze Medallion there are plenty of other courses on offer such as IRB Crew & IRB Driver awards, Patrol Captains Certificate, ATV &/or Tractor Drivers Induction, Radio Officers Certificate, and Emergency Care awards and we encourage you to consider at least one of these to assist your patrol team. Some have pre-requisites such as a proficient qualification requirement or an age restriction. Please register your expression of interest with Lifesaving Administration 07 5447 5491.
Upcoming Courses
Bronze Medallion
Please contact Lifesaving Administration for the latest course dates and if you wish to be contacted when details for the next course are confirmed.
Courses run for 6 weeks, one weekday evening for theory and dry practical components and one weekend morning for wet practical (run-swim-run, board paddling, rescues, etc) Bronze (15 years+) – must be able to complete a 400m pool swim in less that 9 minutes, SRC (13 years+) – must be able to complete a 200m pool swim in less that 5 minutes.
Advanced Courses
IRB Crew, IRB Driver, Advanced Resuscitation Techniques, First Aid, Pain Management. Please contact Lifesaving Administration to be added to our Expression of Interest list for your advanced course preference.
Skills Maintenance (Proficiencies)
All patrol and water safety members are required to complete a Skills Maintenance assessment by 31st December each year (Exception: members in their first year who gain their award after 30th June).
Skills Maintenance requires an online theory component – please contact Admin for access details, and a pool swim must be completed prior to attending a practical session. Pool swims will be held at the Noosa Aquatic Centre 7am-8am on the Skills Maintenance dates as listed below:
Guides & Forms
Below are charts and forms to help you with your training. Click on the image to download a copy.